I have some more finishes! I got a new purse a couple of weeks ago and in an attempt to keep it a bit more organized I decided I needed some zippered pouches. These are pretty easy to make, the only tricky part is the orientation of the fabric when sewing on the zipper. I've made several now, so I feel like I have these down pretty good.
Another project I have been wanting to sew up is a cover for the iPad I got for Christmas/my birthday. I know I will want to take it with me out of the house, on trips, etc. and want it to be protected. I used
this tutorial from One Shabby Chick for a quilted cover. The tutorial was very easy to follow and worked out perfectly. I am pretty proud of my finished product and only messed up once while sewing it up. I didn't read the instructions very carefully and sewed the velcro to the wrong side of the flap...oops! And I didn't realize it until I already had the flap sewed in place. It all worked out in the end, though.
My next projects will be some quilts. I have 2 started and need to finish the one for my oldest daughter soon. I plan to start at least one more very soon for a good friend and his wife who just had their first baby. I hear that my cousin, who is graduating in June, may also want one for a graduation gift so that would be another. Looks like I will be busy sewing for the next few months!